Fish Oils

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

So, you wanna talk about mmothh… fish oils? Good, me too! ?

There are a tonne of benefits from ensuring omega 3 fish oils are part of your diet. Fish oils contain the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA which are the magic makers behind all the great health and performance (yes, so to athletes reading this you should take notes) benefits of eating oily fish or by supplementing with fish oils.

Ok, so in what way are they good for us?

Fish oils:

  • Reduce inflammation in the body that may be induced by exercise or other environmental stressors
  • Support immune function and joint health (a lot more evidence supporting fish oils compared to glucosamine for joint health FYI)
  • Improves our thinking ability
  • Compliments the benefits of strength training
  • Reduces heart rate at sub-maximal exercise intensities

Another reason that Omega 3’s are important in our diets in this day and age is because the majority of the food we eat are high in Omega 6 fatty acids. This is associated with many health implications such as different cancers and cardiovascular diseases for example.

The beauty about fish oils is that you can get enough EPA and DHA from your diet but here’s the catch (forgive me, no pun intended), you need to eat 3-4 portions of oily fish per week.

I get that fish isn’t for everyone and that 3-4 portions/week mightn’t be achievable for us also, in that case you may want to consider a supplement? Fish oils are sold in most local supermarkets so if this is something you decide to do that’s a good place to look. When it comes to dosage, an intake of 2000mg, twice daily, each intake to be accompanied by a meal.  It is important to note that the health and performance benefits mentioned above occur over a few weeks so don’t be disheartened if you’re not seeing immediate improvements.

Ok so the above is all grand but what about those of us that don’t ‘do’ fish or fish oils? Algae omega 3 oil is a great alternative for my vegan and vegetarian friends as it contains a great source of EPA and DHA too. Flaxseed oil has been recommended countless times because it contains a fatty acid called ALA (alpha linolenic acid) which our bodies convert to EPA and DHA. However, it turns out we aren’t actually very good at this hence why algae omega 3 oil is a better option for vegans and vegetarians alike. And you thought I was forgetting about you!

So hopefully from this piece you can identify that Omega 3 Fatty Acids have a very important role in our diets. I will always recommend food first but no harm done for those of us who need a helping hand every now and again!

FYI – Examples of the fish that are the oily ones:

  • Anchovies
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • Herrings
  • Tuna steak



Where I got some of the above info from (aka references):

  • Doughman S.D, Krupanidhi S. and Sanjeevi C.B, 2007. Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Nutrition and Medicine: Considering Microalgae Oil as a Vegetarian Source of EPA and DHA. Current Diabetes Reviews (3): 198-203.
  • JW Alexander, 1998. Immunonutrition: The Role of Omega-3 fatty acids (
  • Simopoulos A.P, 2002. The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential amino acids, Biomed Pharmacother (56): 365–379

NutriKate Omelette

NutriKate Omelette

Eggs, eggs, eggs – Nutritious and delicious and oh so cheap to eat!

Omelettes are handy out, you can add what you like, you can eat them when you like and you can have them as often as you like!

What do I need to make these handsome divils?

  • 4 Eggs – 2 full eggs, 4 egg whites
  • 1 Drop of olive oil
  • 1 handful of chopped spinach
  • 4 Chopped cherry tomatoes
  • 30g Mature cheddar cheese chopped into chunks
  • Salt and pepper
  • 50ml Whole milk

Equipment: 1 non-stick frying pan, spatula, bowl, fork (for whisking), chopping board

And what am I to do with the above?

  • Add eggs to a bowl with milk, salt and pepper and scramble
  • Add the rest of the ingredients apart from the oil and mix again
  • Heat the pan with the oil at 4 on the hob and add the mixture
  • As the eggs begin to cook, tilt the pan so that the uncooked part of the mixture runs to the sides
  • When the omelette has almost dried out on top, it’s time to flip it. You can be as creative and brave as you like with this! ?
  • Let the other side cook for 5mins and serve

Total prep/cook time: 25 minutes

Serves: 1 person

Nutrition Content:

  • Calories: 382 kCals
  • Protein: 32g
  • Carbohydrates: 3g
  • Fat: 27g

Cost/omelette: €1.09


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Homemade Protein Balls

Homemade Protein Balls

So after going through a slliigghhtt obsession with one of the market’s leading carbohydrate and protein bars, I created my own version that almost mimic the macro breakdown. They are so easy to make and absolutely delicious. Perfect to throw in your bag to enjoy as a snack/meal before you train!

You will need the following to make these little balls of bangingness:

  • 250g Oats – blend them so that they are really fine
  • 100g Chocolate whey
  • 100g Peanut butter
  • 80g Honey
  • 120ml Whole milk

Equipment: Mixing bowl, spoons, weighing scales and 6 plastic sandwich bags

What do I do to make these hun buns?

  • Blend the oats so that they are fine, add the whey and mix using a wooden spoon
  • Add the honey and mix, add the peanut butter and mix
  • Gradually add the milk whilst continuing to mix
  • Using your hands divide the mixture into 6 sections and roll them into balls and straight into a sandwich bag each
  • Store in the freezer

Total prep time: 15 mins

Serves: Makes 6 protein balls

Nutritional content per ball:

Calories: 370 kCals

Protein:  22g

Carbohydrates: 41g

Fat: 14g

Cost/ball: €0.49


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Banging Burgers

Banging Burgers

These burgers are DEFINITELY one of my favourite things to make. Depending on your goals, you can enjoy them with veg, homemade chips or a good old fashioned bun, I can guarantee they will never let you down!!

What do I need:

  • 650g 5% minced beef (or turkey if you’d prefer)
  • 1 chopped red onion
  • Salt, pepper
  • 1 grated beetroot
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 chilli, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • Olive oil/ 1 kCals spray oil for the pan

Equipment: 1 large mixing bowl, chopping board, sharp knife, non-stick pan

How you make these banging burgers…

  • Throw everything into a bowl and using your hands mix the ingredients together
  • Once sufficient mixing has gone down, again, using your hands, divide and mould 4 burgers into circles
  • Add the oil to the pan and cook on a medium heat for ~30 mins

Total prep/cook time: ~40 mins

Serves: 4burgers

Nutrition Content/ burger (if you made 4 burgers):

  • Calories: 241 kCals
  • Protein: 38g
  • Carbohydrates: 2.7g
  • Fats: 8.6g

Price/ burger (if making 4 whopper ones): €0.84/burger!!!!

On a side note, some suggested *toppings

  • Avocado
  • Coleslaw
  • Pineapple
  • Mature cheddar
  • Bacon
  • Grilled onion and/or peppers
  • Fried egg

*Please note that by adding any of the suggested toppings the nutrition content and price above will be altered.

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